Echelon Fine Details
Brand: Echelon Fine Details
SKU: EC AXT351040
Water-slide Decals:
1.Preparation: to achieve better result, a gloss or semi-gloss coat is very important. It will make a smooth layer which the decals will suction to and make it much easier to apply and set them.
2.Cut out the decal you need (do it on cutting mat)
3.Grab the decal ..
17 % OFF
Brand: Echelon Fine Details
SKU: EC AXT721045
sAbt 507 Tiger IIs that saw action in the Paderborn area, 1945. Pecular to the unit, like their Tiger Is, the first digit of the turret numbers were larger and stood taller than the second and third digits (platoon and tank). Except that the colours were reversed - white outlines on solid black. Of ..
17 % OFF
Brand: Echelon Fine Details
SKU: EC AXT721036
The final installment of LAH Panzer IVs during their last days of WWII, cover 6th & 8th Kompanie Ausf. Js. Not an easy set to cover as information is pretty scarce. Later version of "631" which was lost at Hassoumont was thought to be "601" earlier. The centre digit "0" was actually "3". The proof w..
23 % OFF
Brand: Echelon Fine Details
SKU: EC T35011
3rd LAR (Light Armoured Reconnaissance) Battalion LAVs, featured in this set, had a mix of desert tanned and 3-toned (NATO camouflage) vehicles, so their Company (skeleton dragoon) Battalion (wolf's head) symbols come in two colours. Black versions for the desert tanned vehicles and light tanned ver..
19 % OFF
Brand: Echelon Fine Details
SKU: EC D356261
This set features two Vietnam War gun trucks that had M113 hulls loaded onto the cargo bed as a quick and effective fighting compartment. Both are M54A2 based trucks. Markings for "The Lifer" included fine stencils on the cabin and the fuel tank as well as tire pressure stencils. Markings for the "K..
17 % OFF
Brand: Echelon Fine Details
SKU: EC P353019
US Armoured Divison Patches, for WWII and Post War periods, comes with and without names. All patches have a bit of irregular look and feel - due to natural embroidery / weaving patterns they not supposed to look too perfect in the first place. The outlines of unit numbers are based on actual exampl..
19 % OFF
Brand: Echelon Fine Details
SKU: EC D356283
This set attempts to provide the clearest possible artwork for the Syrian Stugs and Panzer IVs of the 6 Days War era. The arabic text were vetted so that they are legible even to those versed in arabic. Registration numbers in arabic (front and back of each tank) are also provided. Also included are..
19 % OFF
Brand: Echelon Fine Details
SKU: EC AXT351034
Covers 10 specific Panther Ausf. Gs (mids & mids with steel wheels) from 1. SS Panzer Regiment (part of Kampfgruppe Peiper) that saw action at Ardennes,1944 to 1945. The stencilled numbers accurately captured and measured (the rear number is actually about 2/3rd in height vs side numbers). Care is a..
17 % OFF
Brand: Echelon Fine Details
SKU: EC AXT351005
Water-slide DecalsMarkings for a whopping 26 specific vehicles!Starting with Schwere Pz.Kp. Meyer Early Tigers, there are two known vehicles with personalised names across the frontal hull armour. The vehicle numbers were also very unique to these tanks, being very narrow and tall (yes, t..
20 % OFF
Brand: Echelon Fine Details
SKU: EC AXT351036
The final installment of LAH Panzer IVs during their last days of WWII, cover 6th & 8th Kompanie Ausf. Js. Not an easy set to cover as information is pretty scarce. Later version of "631" which was lost at Hassoumont was thought to be "601" earlier. The centre digit "0" was actually "3". The proof w..
17 % OFF
Brand: Echelon Fine Details
SKU: EC D356284
This set covers vehicles from s.H.Pz.Jgr. 654, 559 and 25 Pz.Gren.Div plus a few from unknown units. Of special mention is "Himmelhund", a striped camo G1 with early Kwk 43 L/71 coupled with late mantlet. It had kill rings and the usual tactical number. Sadly, only one known view of this Jagdpanther..
17 % OFF
Brand: Echelon Fine Details
SKU: EC D356096
Type: water-slide decals & Photo-etched Parts.A super comprehensive and versatile generic set of markings for the Italian Centauros used in several operations over the years. Special coverage on the Reggimento Genova Cavallaria (4?) which had most if not all of their unit markings on the set. One of..
19 % OFF
Brand: Echelon Fine Details
SKU: EC D356172
Type: water-slide decalsPOW markings in Hebrew. In red, white and black inks.How to apply water-slide decals:1. Preparation: to achieve better result, a gloss or semi-gloss coat is very important. It will make a smooth layer which the decals will suction to and make it much easier to apply and set t..
19 % OFF
Brand: Echelon Fine Details
SKU: EC AXT351038
Probably the final batches of Panzer IIIs shipped to DAKs in Afrka. Ranging from Ausf Js to Ns. The tactical markings of this unit is unique, using large card symbols and rings to signify different Kompanies and Platoons. They appear on both turret sides and rear turret bin...
17 % OFF
Brand: Echelon Fine Details
SKU: EC D356085
Water-slide DecalsThis is considered a lot of markings for just one vehicle! Those who haven't listened to Santana's beautiful piece should give the classic a try while building this model!How to apply water-slide decals:1. Preparation: to achieve better result, a gloss or semi-gloss coat is ver..
21 % OFF
Brand: Echelon Fine Details
SKU: EC D356095
Water-slide Decals3 Commando ACs with big bold fronts. Fielded by 504th MPs during their tour of duty in Vietnam. Contrary to what was believed, the background behind the artwork of "Catch 22" was actually light blue. This was highlighted by one of the crew members of "Iron Horse", who has actually ..
17 % OFF
Brand: Echelon Fine Details
SKU: EC AXT351004
Water-slide DecalsFeaturing a number of 4.PD Panzer IVs on the eastern front. The bear in various forms and colours. Also included are 3 Panzer II Ausf. Ls and a generic set of numbers used by these tanks under the 4. PD command.How to apply water-slide decals:1. Preparation: to achieve better resul..
19 % OFF
Brand: Echelon Fine Details
SKU: EC AXT351039
An extension set of 4.PD Panzer IVs (AXT351004) on the eastern front. The bears in various forms and colors according to regiment norms. A multitude of colors on a set...
17 % OFF
Brand: Echelon Fine Details
SKU: EC AXT161040
Covers markings of four 4. Pz.Div. Panzer III Ausf. Js. White bear for 1st company, Red for 2nd and Yellow for 3rd, and Green for Stab (HQ)...
20 % OFF
Brand: Echelon Fine Details
SKU: EC AXT721056
All the goodness of 1/35 set (AXT351056) scaled down to 1/72. Making this 506 Tiger I marking set the largest and most colourful 1/72 set in the Echelon range to date. To know more, please read the descriptions in the 1/35 set.Includes thin and thick black outlined tactical numbers for all Kompani..
20 % OFF
Brand: Echelon Fine Details
SKU: EC D356134
Type: water-slide decals.50 CAL M2 Ammo Box labels based on one of the stenciling styles. Very fine printing and brightly printed that it would stand out against the darkest shade of OD.How to apply water-slide decals:1. Preparation: to achieve better result, a gloss or semi-gloss coat is very impor..
19 % OFF
Brand: Echelon Fine Details
SKU: EC D356132
Type: water-slide decals.50 CAL M2 Ammo Box labels based on one of the stenciling styles. Very fine printing and brightly printed that it would stand out against the darkest shade of OD.How to apply water-slide decals:1. Preparation: to achieve better result, a gloss or semi-gloss coat is very impor..
19 % OFF
Brand: Echelon Fine Details
SKU: EC D356220
Type: water-slide decalsAn important marking set for the Willys, often seen used by the Padres and Chaplains out in the battlefields to bring peace, calm, consolation and comfort to enlisted in a time of disportionate mayhem, distress and sadness.How to apply water-slide decals:1. Preparation: to ac..
21 % OFF
Brand: Echelon Fine Details
SKU: EC AXT351056
Designed entirely from scratch to reflect the most updated information (nothing was carried over from AXT351008). As a result, even finer details were achieved with the unit emblems. There are very fine differences when compared to the previous set. While some are obvious, other improvements are bar..
17 % OFF