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Stencils for 1/35 WWII German Nebelwerfer &Wurfrahmen Unpainted Ammo Boxes
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Brand: Archer Transfers SKU: AR77005B
Type: Water-slide DecalsComes with miscellaneous stenciling for fuse, tool, supply boxes as well as "DO NOT THROW" and a generous supply of Wehrmacht Eagles with different years stenciled below. As a rule all markings on the painted boxes were white; all markings on unpainted boxes were black though..
Stencils for 1/35 WWII German 100mm,105mm &150mm Unpainted Ammo Boxes
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Brand: Archer Transfers SKU: AR77004B
Type: Water-slide DecalsComes with miscellaneous stenciling for fuse, tool, supply boxes as well as "DO NOT THROW" and a generous supply of Wehrmacht Eagles with different years stenciled below. As a rule all markings on the painted boxes were white; all markings on unpainted boxes were black though..
Stencils for 1/35 Assorted British 105mm Boxes, Compo Boxes &Biscuit Tins
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Brand: Archer Transfers SKU: AR77008
Type: Water-slide DecalsSheet includes ten 105 mm HE and ten 105 mm smoke round crate stencils applicable to both US and Commonwealth Priest ammo. Also includes sixteen British biscuit tin stencils in two styles and twelve Compo boxes. Comes with colour placement instructions...
Resin on Clear Decal Film - .011 inch (.28mm) Rivets
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Brand: Archer Transfers SKU: AR88015
Actual sheet size is 2.75 x 4.5 inches (7 cm x 11.4 cm)108 inches (274 cm) of .043 inch (1.09 mm) pitch, 44 inches (112 cm) of .068 inch (1.73 mm) pitch and 36 inches (92 cm) of .098 inch (2.49 mm) pitch. Comes with instructions...
Perfect Weld Beads (Resin on Clear Decal Film, Linear: 227cm, Width: 0.64mm)
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Brand: Archer Transfers SKU: AR88061
Sheet comes with 109 linear inches (227 cm) of 0.025 inch (0.64 mm) wide weld beads.Although weld beads this perfect are rarely, if ever found on heavy armor vehicles these duplicate the "sprue/glue method" currently popular with model builders as of this writing. However, being decals the applicati..
N scale 5/8
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Brand: Archer Transfers SKU: AR88024
Sheet includes rivet heads .006 inch (.15 mm) diameter in four different spacings most commonly found on rail cars, including 88 linear inches (223 cm) of .017 inch (.43 mm) spacing, 52 linear inches (132 cm) of .020 inch (.5 mm) spacing, 52 linear inches (132 cm) of .023 inch (.58 mm) spacing and 4..
Fabric Textured Appliques for 1/72 Kreigsmarine Ensign
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Brand: Archer Transfers SKU: AR72007.2
These are not decals, dry transfers, vinyl stickers or printed fabric. They are flexible, scale thickness fabric textured appliques with an indefinite shelf life. Easy to apply to aluminium foil and shape into a realistic waving flag. Makes two flags and includes grommets...
Fabric Textured Appliques for 1/35 US 1st, 4th, 24th and 63rd Infantry Division Patches
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Brand: Archer Transfers SKU: AR99023
These are not decals, dry transfers, vinyl stickers or printed fabric. They are flexible, scale thickness fabric textured appliques with an indefinite shelf life. Easy to apply and compatible with any paint system. Sheet contains uniform patches for twelve figures (one platoon) of each division. For..
Dry Transfers for 1/72 US 6th Armoured Division M4A3E8
Brand: Archer Transfers SKU: AR72146
Type: dry transfersBuilds one M4A3E8. Comes with photo of actual vehicle and instructions.Basic Guide for Using Dry Transfers..
Dry Transfers for 1/72 US 6th Armoured Division M4(105)
Brand: Archer Transfers SKU: AR72147
Type: dry transfersBuilds one howitzer Sherman of the 69th battalion. Comes with photos of actual vehicle and instructionsBasic Guide for Using Dry Transfers..
Dry Transfers for 1/35 USMC M4A2 IWO Jima Gun Tanks
Brand: Archer Transfers SKU: AR35287
Type: dry transfersBuilds two M4A2 gun tanks from the 3rd Tank BattalionComes with illustrated instructions.Basic Guide for Using Dry Transfers..
Dry Transfers for 1/35 US 6th Armoured Division M4A3E8
Brand: Archer Transfers SKU: AR35145
Type: dry transfers and water-slide decalsBuilds one Sherman from the 68th battalion. Comes with dry transfer sheet plus three battalion insignia decals. Decals are photo-realistic replicas of the original Disney design. Comes with instructions.Basic Guide for Using Dry Transfers..
Dry Transfers for 1/35 US 6th Armoured Division M4A2
Brand: Archer Transfers SKU: AR35252
Type: dry transfersBuilds one Sherman from the 15th battalion in Normandy. Comes with illustrated placement instructions and photo of actual vehicle.Basic Guide for Using Dry Transfers..
Dry Transfers for 1/35 US 6th Armoured Division M4A2
Brand: Archer Transfers SKU: AR35254
Type: dry transfersBuilds one Sherman from the 68th battalion, Co. B Comes with illustrated placement instructions and photo of actual vehicle.Basic Guide for Using Dry Transfers..
Dry Transfers for 1/35 US 6th Armoured Division M4(105)
Brand: Archer Transfers SKU: AR35147
Type: dry transfersBuilds one howitzer Sherman of the 69th battalion. Comes with photographs of the original vehicle and instructions.Basic Guide for Using Dry Transfers..
Dry Transfers for 1/35 US 6th Armoured Division M4 Early
Brand: Archer Transfers SKU: AR35253
Type: dry transfersBuilds one Sherman from the 68th battalion, Co. B. Comes with illustrated placement instructions and photo of actual vehicle.Basic Guide for Using Dry Transfers..
Dry Transfers for 1/35 US 15th Tank Battalion M4A3E8
Brand: Archer Transfers SKU: AR35277
Type: dry transfersBuilds one vehicle with extras. Comes with illustrated colour placement instructions.Basic Guide for Using Dry Transfers..
Dry Transfers for 1/35 Tiger Mix #4
Brand: Archer Transfers SKU: AR35158
Type: dry transfersBuilds two vehiclesTiger I Rebuilt hybrid of task force "Fuhrman"Kursk Tiger P Porsche Tiger I prototype converted to operational status and used as a command vehicle of schwere Panzerjager 653.Complete build-up instructions can be found in the Modeler's Guide to the Tiger Tank, a..
Dry Transfers for 1/35 Tiger Mix #3
Brand: Archer Transfers SKU: AR35157
Type: dry transfersBuilds four vehicles.- Tiger I Late production, 505- Tiger II Early turret, 503, summer 1944 - Tiger II prototype- Tunisian Tiger I Early production, 501, spring of 1943.Complete build-up instructions can be found in the Modeler's Guide to the Tiger Tank, available from Ampersand ..
Dry Transfers for 1/35 Tiger Mix #2
Brand: Archer Transfers SKU: AR35156
Type: dry transfersBuilds three vehicles. "Leningrad" Tiger I First production model and one of the first Tigers delivered to 502 in September of 1942.Normandy Tiger I Michael Wittman's last ride, Mid production, command vehicle 007 of LSSAH. Kursk Tiger I Army, mid portion of early production, Das ..
Dry Transfers for 1/35 Tiger Mix #1
Brand: Archer Transfers SKU: AR35155
Type: dry transfersBuilds two vehicles:Tiger II Late turret style, vehicle 332 of SS Pz. 501, December, 1944.Kursk Tiger I Later portion of early production, 8./SS Panzerregiment 2. Vehicle number S33 of Das Reich. Summer 1943.Complete build-up instructions can be found in the Modeler's Guide to the..
Dry Transfers for 1/35 Tiger I, Ausf.E, Will Fey, Normandy
Brand: Archer Transfers SKU: AR35259
Type: dry transfersBuilds one PzKpfw VI Tiger Ausf E, 1.Kompanie, schwere SS Panzer Abt. 102, Normandy, June 1944 SS-Hauptscharfuhrer Will Fey. Comes illustrated instructions.Basic Guide for Using Dry Transfers..
Dry Transfers for 1/35 Stug III F/8
Brand: Archer Transfers SKU: AR35262
Type: dry transfersEnough for 2 vehicles from the 11th Luftwaffen Felddivision Panzer-jager Abt. in Italy and Greece, 1943, with extras. Comes with illustrated colour placement instructions.Basic Guide for Using Dry Transfers..
Dry Transfers for 1/35 Stug III B,C,D,E or F, Stug Abt.197
Brand: Archer Transfers SKU: AR35247
Type: dry transfersBuilds two StuG IIIs of the 1, 2, 3 Batt. StuG Abt. 197 Comes with illustrated placement instructions.Basic Guide for Using Dry Transfers..
Showing 92449 to 92472 of 139227 (5802 Pages)